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Help Stop Global Warming. Protect our forests.

For now, and for the generations after us.


We at Bio Gas SA are skilled in Bio Gas Technology. We are familiar with all types of Material that can be utilized to feed the Anaerobic Digester. We are highly skilled with how the System produces optimal Gasses to produce Heat, Electricity, Fuel and Gas.

 Projects Info

Were going to have to move away from fossil fuels. There is an urgent need to stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry, dramatically reduce wasted energy, and significantly shift our power supplies from oil and, coal, and shift to natural gas and wind, bio- gas, solar, geothermal, and other renewable energy sources.


At Bio-Gas SA we are committed to Implement the shift from fossil to methane and ethanol. The reason driving us is to drastically reduce carbon dioxide emmission"s. We are currently compared with country's like China, India, Mexico and South Korea.The reason being our coal fired power stations doesn't have the technology to filter their emissions before being released into the air. 

Get Involved

We as Citizens and Industry has an obligation to contribute toward's these type of initiatives. The pollution of air in South Africa is at enormous high levels. People living in certain are's of the country is actually dying from respiratory diseases as was proven by Business tech who fond that the 12 coal fired power stations in Mpumalanga who lies in a belt of 150 km. Visit (Source) 

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